Monday, April 14, 2008

Domestic lil me!

Just so you know...I made my VERY own tortilla chips yesterday...! Honestly...who EVER correlated the name of tortilla chips with the fact that they were just fried tortillas? I SURELY DID NOT...! But yes, I made PEFECT little tortilla strips...sliced and fried on my very own..just like cafe rio...! :) YAY ME!


Jen-E said...

I'm soooo proud!!

Kristen said...

And may I add that they were so tasty? Halle went back for seconds and thirds. It was fun to see you!!

Amber Bradley said...

OK Now I HAVE TO make a comment after my comment last night ;) I didn't know what to say other than it is a good thing that they didn't taste like they looked...JK JK JK JK I just said that because of my comments when you were cutting them up. They looked wonderful on that beautiful Chili platter and tasted great! I am just sad that you figured out that tortillia chips were made out of tortillia's before I did, that is all! Love you girl!